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The Plan of God and His Providential Mercy To All

Oct 13, 2024    Paul Dederick

God's mercy is providential to all. We see in the Bible that His promise of eternal life is open to all who confess - Jesus as their Lord and believe in Him. When we go through something hard we can wonder - "am I saved"? In the Old Testament God commanded - 'Circumcision' as an outward physical sign of the covenant between Himself and the Jewish people. God writing through Paul declares in Romans that the evidence of our New Covenant with God through Jesus Christ is a "Circumcision of the Heart" (not an outward sign of the flesh - but inward of the Spirit). This change of heart toward Jesus is evidence of our salvation. So now all (the best and the worst of sinners) - have a righteousness that is by Faith in Jesus Christ!

"For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable." ~ Rom. 11:29 NIV